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FavorLife Cleaning & Disinfecting Plan

    Jan 12, 2021 | by Mike Prah


    Our Cleaning and Disinfecting team led by Brother David Nyarko and dedicated men follow the steps below to clean and disinfect our Church facility every week before and after our services.

    Always wear a mask and disposable gloves during cleaning and disinfecting. After cleaning & disinfecting remove your mask and gloves, wash hands with soap, dry hands with a paper towel, and use hand sanitizer before leaving.


    • Sweep front lobby floor, the hallway in front of Sanctuary, and toilet.
    • After sweeping, mop floors with mopping equipment and cleaning solution.
    • Vacuum the carpets at the Sanctuary, Kids Room, and Pastor's office.
    • Using a paper towel or clean towel and the cleaning solution in a spray bottle, wipe all countertop surfaces, door handles, light switches, toilets, faucets, sinks, Sanctuary podium, stage floor speakers, etc.
    • Wash and ring used cloth towels using soap, and afterward, spray with the disinfectant machine. Hang to dry for re-use next time.


    Disinfect using only the EPA prescribed Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19) provided by the Church. This is the NU-FOAMICIDE Concentrate (EPA Reg, No. 10324-166).[2] 1oz concentrate mixes 32oz of water.

    • Use only the amount of disinfectant dilution solution recommended on the label (1 oz disinfectant concentrate + 32oz of water dilution).
    • Measure 10 oz of the Disinfectant Solution and dilute with 10 Cups Water of the 32 oz measuring cup  (i.e. 320 oz) at Church to put into the two (2) BRUUN Disinfecting Machines.
    • Use water at room temperature for dilution.
    • Adjust the disinfecting machine's spray volume valve so that only a few solution particles are deposited when spraying.
    • The goal is not to wet the spray areas but to have the disinfectant solution remain on the surfaces to bond. Therefore, spray your gloves to gauge the proper adjustment of the spray volume valve first.
    • Do not wipe surfaces sprayed after using the disinfectant spray equipment.
    • When disinfecting is complete, turn off the spray volume valve, and run the Disinfectant machine to purge the line for about 5 minutes to clear out all liquids from the line before shutting off the machine. Otherwise, the disinfecting machine will always leak.
    • Return Disinfecting Spray machine to its designated storage container in Pastor's Office.
    • Remove and discard your gloves, wash your hands with soap, wipe with a paper towel and use sanitizer

    Always wear a mask and disposable gloves during cleaning and disinfecting. After cleaning & disinfecting remove your mask and gloves, wash hands with soap, dry hands with a paper towel, and use hand sanitizer before leaving.

    [1] Cleaning and Disinfecting Plan adapted from: CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility, Accessed Feb 3, 2021,

    [2] Disinfectant Listed under EPA List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19), (Press launch, then tap # EPA Registration Number tab. Enter 10324-166).

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