Sunday Service: 10:30 AM | Need Prayer? Text: 240-594-9600

Mask Is Optional | In-Person Service Update

    Mar 14, 2021 | by Mike Prah

    As announced by Governor Larry Hogan on 2/14/2022, face masks are no longer required in Maryland State offices. Prince Georges County, MD mask mandate for indoor public spaces expired on March 9, 2022. Therefore, beginning Sunday, March 14, 2022, below are our revised COVID-19 process. We ask everyone joining our in-person service to follow these guidelines accordingly. The health and safety of everyone continue to be our top priority.

    • Face masks are OPTIONAL for persons attending our Church service. 
    • Feel free to continue to wear a mask if you feel comfortable.
    • While masks are optional, please be kind to those who choose to wear a mask and respect everyone's personal space.
    • If you have tested positive for COVID, please worship with us online. You may return to in-person worship after at least 5 Days have passed since your symptoms began and you are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
    • If you are experiencing any of these symptoms in a new or unusual way in the past 48 hours (Fever, chills, cough, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, difficulty breathing, fatigue, head/body aches, loss of smell/taste), please worship with us online.
    • Face masks will be provided at our lobby for anyone who needs it.

    Thank you for your cooperation in helping all of us stay safe and healthy. 


    What are the seating arrangements?

    You will NOT need to reserve your seat. If we ran into capacity issues in our sanctuary, you would be asked to worship in our Kids room and other spaces in our Church facility equipped with TV and speakers where you can watch and participate in our service.

    Can I bring my kids or grand-kids to Church?

    Yes, you can bring your kids or grand-kids if they are not sick into the main sanctuary to sit with you. We encourage you to bring a smartphone or tablet with headphones (earbuds) so your children can watch our Pre-School, Elementary, or Middle School worship and teaching experiences during the service. Your kids can sit next to you in our sanctuary. We will resume full Kids church some time later this year.

    What sanitization and disinfecting measures are in place? 

    Each week, we disinfect and sanitize our entire interior Church building with special machinery and EPA / CDC prescribed Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19) before each service. Our disinfection program is led by Brothers David Nyarko and Fred Obeng.

    Touch-free hand-sanitizing stations are available throughout our Church building and sanctuary. Automatic disinfectant hand-soap dispenser, and touch-free paper towels are available in our bathroom. See below for our Weekly Sanctuary Cleaning & Disinfecting Plan.

    What other protocols are in place?

    • Bottles of water will be available in the lobby free of charge. Water fountains, coffee stations, and refreshments are not be available at this time, except on occasions where take-out refreshments will be offered. All under-seat Bibles, and materials have been removed from our sanctuary for now.
    • Sermon Outlines in paper format are available. You can also access them on our website. Our worship song lyrics, message notes and Scriptures are projected on our screens throughout our building. Feel free to take notes or highlight scriptures on your Bible App as our Pastor teaches the life-changing Word of God. just as we have been operating in our online service mode.
    • No offering buckets will be passed during offering time. You will be provided an offering envelope to make your donation to drop in  three (3) secure, hands-free offering boxes located at our lobby, and Sanctuary. We recommend you give online using any of the three (3) methods below.
    • We will continuously update our protocols with additional controls as we learn more for your safety.

    What is FavorLife's position regarding the COVID-19 vaccine?

    Per CDC and other reputable health organizations advice, FavorLife church recommends our members and guests take the COVID-19 vaccine and the booster vaccine. Pastor Mike has been vaccinated and boosted as do several of our members. Please consult with your physician if you have any questions.

    How can I support my Church?

    • By volunteering to help clean and disinfect our Church before our services.
    • By volunteering as an greeter to perform temperature checks, and asking health-related questions for worshipers.
    • By volunteering as a usher to direct people to designated seats to ensure physical distancing.

    Give regularly to support our Church using the following methods:

    You can give online to support FavorLife Church by using your Debit Card, Credit Card (all bank cards accepted), Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, Checking or Savings account by pressing the green "Give Online" button below:

    You can also give using the following methods:

    CashApp to $favorlife If you have the CashApp app, simply tap here:$favorlife


    Give by Text Text Give  using your cell phone to (844)877-5844. You will receive information. Please follow the prompts.

    FavorLife Church is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donors can deduct contributions made to us under IRC Section 170. We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, transfer or gifts under Section 2055, 2016, or 2522.

     “Everything we have has come from You, and we give You only what You first gave us!” (I Chronicles 29:14, NLT)

    God is on our side and this season will pass in due time to allow us to return to normal.  Until then, we ask for your consistent attention and appreciate your compliance concerning these guidelines. 

    Much love, more grace and peace to you,

    Mike Prah, Pastor

    Health Screening Questionnaire

    The health and safety of our members and guests is our top priority. We ask everyone who attends our Services or visits our Church to provide information regarding any symptoms of, or exposure to COVID-19, with this simple screening questionnaire. Please complete all required sections for each household member attending our service. Thank you. Health Screening PDF Form

    ( )   -

    1. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 or are you waiting on the results of a COVID-19 test?

    Response Required*

    If your answer is "Yes," please worship with us online.

    2. Are you isolating or quarantining because you may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or are concerned that you may have contracted COVID-19?

    Response Required*

    If your answer is "Yes," please worship with us online.

    3. Have you come into close personal contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 5 days?

    Response Required*

    If your answer is "Yes," please worship with us online.

    4. Have any of these symptoms begun in a new or unusual way in the past 48 hours: Fever, chills, cough, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, difficulty breathing, fatigue, head/body aches, loss of smell/taste?

    Response required*

    If your answer is "Yes," please worship with us online.

    5. Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine?


    If you are experiencing symptoms or answered YES to Questions 2 through 5 above, please DO NOT ATTEND our in-person Church Service. Contact your doctor for direction and watch our service online.

    • Face masks are OPTIONAL for persons attending our Church service. 
    • Feel free to continue to wear a mask if you feel comfortable.
    • While masks are optional, please be kind to those who choose to wear a mask and respect everyone's personal space.
    • If you have tested positive for COVID, please worship with us online. You may return to in-person worship after at least 5 Days have passed since your symptoms began and you are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
    • If you are experiencing any of these symptoms in a new or unusual way in the past 48 hours (Fever, chills, cough, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, difficulty breathing, fatigue, head/body aches, loss of smell/taste), please worship with us online.
    • Face masks will be provided at our lobby for anyone who needs it.

    Thank you for your cooperation in helping all of us stay safe and healthy. God bless you

    Cleaning & Disinfecting Plan Alternatives to Handshakes, Hugs & High Fives CONNECTION FORM ONLINE CONNECTION FORM PDF HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE PDF

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