Sunday Service: 10:30 AM | Need Prayer? Text: 240-594-9600

Our Response To Coronavirus

    Jul 14, 2020 | by Mike Prah

    FavorLife Church will continue to hold all our worship services online until further notice. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and hope to resume normal in-door services at our sanctuary as soon as we are able.  Click here for our Weekly Online Services.

    The latest directive from Governor Larry Hogan, governor of Maryland concerning churches, synagogues, and other places of worship are as follows:

    Churches and houses of worship may begin to safely hold religious services, at up to 50 percent capacity, with outdoor services strongly encouraged. Religious leaders are strongly urged to do everything possible to keep their congregants safe, and particularly to protect the elderly and vulnerable within their congregations. The State of Maryland consistent with CDC guidelines, also provides the following rules and best practices for religious services to ensure public health safety.

    • Wearing face masks during worship services.
    • Non-contact temperature taking at the entrance doors.
    • Voluntary temperature taking by worshipers at home prior to arrival.
    • Seven-foot social distancing between individual worshipers and same-household family groups in worship spaces.
    • Refraining from congregational singing.
    • Sanitizing contact surfaces before and after worship.
    • Shortening the normal duration of services to accommodate multi services into the day’s venue if needed and to take into consideration small children who may not be able to observe distancing protocols for an extended period of time.
    • Faith leaders may choose to implement additional and stricter rules for public worship than those permitted as they take into consideration vulnerable members in their respective congregations and other issues specific to the health and safety of their communities.

    In consideration of these new UNUSUAL guidelines for in-door church services, we will continue to hold all church services ONLINE until further notice. We are in support of these guidelines to stop the community spread of this virus. We will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation to determine our in-door re-entry Worship date. 

    Stay connected to our Church family by:

    1. Being attentive to our updates during our Online Services, text messages, and visiting our website or

    2. Participating in our online services. Click here for our Weekly Online Services

    3. Continuing to give your tithes and offerings to support our Church through the following methods:

    1. Online at or

    2. Texting the word Give to (844)877-5844

    3. CashApp to $favorlife

    4. Zelle to First Name: FavorLifeChurch  |   Last name: Church


    Take the Necessary Precautions

    It is critical that we all continue to practice general viral infection prevention measures recommended by public health officials:

    • Stay home if you're feeling sick, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve.
    • Wash your hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever this is not possible.
    • Avoid touching your face.
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • Whenever you're in public maintain at least 6 ft social distancing and wear a mask or cloth face covering
    • If you suspect you have COVID-19 symptoms, please contact your doctor. You can also obtain testing at Six Flags America with no Doctor’s Order or Appointment Required at no out-of-pocket cost. Drive-thru testing is provided by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).
    • Other drive-thru testing locations include the Carroll County Ag Center as well as converted VEIP stations in Bel Air (Harford County), Columbia (Howard County), Glen Burnie (Anne Arundel County), Hagerstown (Washington County), Owings Mill (Baltimore County), Prince Frederick (Calvert County), Waldorf (Charles County), and White Oak (Montgomery County). No Doctor’s Order Required for drive-thru testing provided by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), however, appointment may be required. See below for link to COVID testing locations and  to schedule a test.
    • Other private partners including CVSRite Aid, and Walmart, also provide COVID-19 testing capacity across the state. See below for testing pharmacy locations in your area to schedule a test.

    Always know your safety is our number one priority as we lean on God's wisdom, and follow the guidelines given by our federal, and Maryland authorities, in concert with Church groups we are strategically aligned with.

    No matter how frustrating, confusing, or scary this crisis gets, fear doesn't have the final say. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." Our hope is built on the perfect love of Jesus Christ, so we've been called to share that love with the world

    Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Shadows can come into the world. But there is an enormous shadow that we operate under, and that is the shadow of the Almighty.

    God says: "Surely the righteous will never be shaken … They will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." Psalm 112:6-7.

    We will be victorious, even in this COVID-19 era because of God's unfailing  love, His impenetrable protection, and His unshakable promises for us.

    Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or make a comment below. We care about you!  Thank you for your continued support! God bless you!

    Mike Prah, Founding Pastor

    FavorLife Church or

     For More COVID-19 information, Visit:

    Maryland COVID-19 Faith-Based Recommendations

    CDC COVID-19 Considerations for Communities of Faith

    How to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 (CDC)

    How to Protect Yourself and Others - COVID-19

    Face Covering Do's & Don'ts (CDC)

    How To Clean & Disinfect (CDC)

    Maryland Dept of Health COVID-19 Testing Locations and Scheduling

    CVS, Rite Aid, Walmart COVID-19 Testing Locations

    Coronavirus Maryland Website

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