Breakthrough_Salvation Prayer 71722 | Mike Prah
07.10.22 | Prayer Moments | Breakthrough & Salvation Prayers | by Mike Prah
Join Mike Prah in a breakthrough prayer
Join Mike Prah in a breakthrough prayer
Join Mike Prah in a breakthrough prayer
It's essential that we learn how to get along with other people, so James gives some practical advice. In this study. We will discuss: How we relate wisely to other people and reap a harvest of goodness.
In this study, we will discuss what James 3:1-12 has to say about the destructive power of the spoken word and how to control the tongue.
Pentecost recognizes the birth of Christ's Church, which is the 50th day after Easter. . To receive God's blessing on our churches and on our lives, we must: (1) Pray continually for God's power; (2) Be devoted to God's Word; (3) Love each other...
The fear of a severe disease entering our lives could cause fearful emotions. God's perfect will may not exempt us from illness, but He knows how to turn all things for what's best for good. God is Jehovah Rapha—the God that heals us. He wants us...
Prayer based on Isaiah 33
Faith is not just something you SAY, not just something you FEEL, not just something you THINK, and more than just something you BELIEVE. The Apostle James teaches that a strong, real faith is also something you DO. Our faith and actions work...
The issue of prejudice, favoritism and discrimination causes dreadful social problems. We will discuss how to get along with people from James 2:1-3. Key concepts are Acceptance, Appreciation, and Affirmation.
LifeGroup Study Guide based on James 2:12-18: The 5 Rs of How To Overcome Temptation.