Sunday Service: 10:30 AM | Need Prayer? Text: 240-594-9600


    Prayer Points: 2 Thess 1
    04.06.20 | Prayer Moments | by Mike Prah

    TODAY’S PRAYER POINTS BY MIKE PRAH  Come before the Lord worshiping Him and thanking Him for all He’s done for you.  Today’s prayer is based on the Apostle Paul’s prayer from 2 Thessalonians...

      Prayer Points: Psalm 46
      04.03.20 | Prayer Moments | by Mike Prah

      TODAY’S PRAYER POINTS BY MIKE PRAH Begin your prayer time by worshiping God and thanking Him for all He’s done for you. Today’s prayer is based on Psalm 46 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in...

        How Jesus Takes Care of His People
        03.29.20 | Sermon | by Mike Prah

        PRAYER POINTS & MESSAGE NOTES 1. TODAY’S PRAYER POINTS BY MIKE PRAH  Begin with praising the name of the Lord. God instructs us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise.  Today’s prayer is focused on the...

          How To Cope With Change
          03.22.20 | Sermon | by Mike Prah

          PRAYER POINTS - Isaiah 25 Begin with praising the name of the Lord. God instructs us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise. "1 O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for You are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned...

            Skill Will Bring Success
            03.20.20 | Articles | by Mike Prah

            The theme for this book is a Bible verse from Ecclesiastes 10:10. It says: "If an ax is dull and its edge is unsharpened more strength is needed, but skill will bring success." One of the keys to succeeding in life is you have to be skilled...

              Romans Road To Salvation
              03.14.20 | Articles | by Mike Prah

              The Romans Road to salvation is a way of explaining the good news of salvation using verses from the Book of Romans. It is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why you need salvation, how God provided salvation, how you can receive...
